市选正密锣紧鼓地进行,在华人聚居的烈治文山市,一位温文儒雅的市长大卫卫斯特(David West)逐渐引起了华人社区的关注。 10月5日感恩节前,大卫卫斯特(David West) 与华媒及华人社区领袖见面座谈,分享他的愿景和计划,表示自己如果连任,将带领烈治文山市政府作出积极的改变。



当天现场参加座谈的还有前安省厅长万锦市区议员侯选人陈国治(Michael Chan)、争取连任的烈治文山区域议员候选人陈志辉(Godwin Chan),Joe Dipaola,市议员廖立辉。陈国治愉快地表示,万锦市与烈治文山市紧紧相邻,在约克区层面一定会有很多合作的机会,大卫的友善和真诚的为人,一定会为将来的合作带来积极的影响。陈志辉是华人社区非常熟悉的市议员,他支持市长朝积极方向发展,希望运用过去16年的经验,为华人社区与市政府之间搭建勾通的桥梁。他们也希望继续得到华裔社区的支持!

活动主持简惠儿是商界成功女性,她经营广告公司超过30年,一直致力服务社区,获奖无数。她表示,大卫的爱心和亲民会为他成功连任加分。本地画家左晋,专程赠送了他的一副油画小枫彩,祝市长竞选连任成功!在座谈会上大家还了解到,大卫是一名专业摄影师!他还连续多年在烈治文山市推广Monarch 蝴蝶活动,为环保积极发声。

大卫和他的妻子米歇尔是列治文山的长期居民,在这里安家立业,并以建立成功的小企业而闻名。 18 多年前,大卫作为志愿者加入了他的第一个社区委员会,并一直积极参与旨在使列治文山成为一个充满活力的社区的倡议和团体。

2013 年,大卫被任命为第 4 区议员,并于 2014 年和 2018 年再次当选。 2022年1月,他在前市长戴夫·巴罗退休时参加补选,击败了其他八名候选人—其中三人在职议员成为市长。


以下是大卫的竞选纲领和承诺: 作为一名选区议员和现任市长,大卫喜欢称自己为“仆人领袖”。他的每月选区和市长通讯一直是必读的——在议会、社区活动之前,让他的选民及时了解重要事项,如以及会议和协商。

作为列治文山市长和之前的第 4 区议员,我一直希望为这座城市提供最好的服务。这是因为列治文山是我选择居住、养家和创业的地方。列治文山给了我很多,我觉得有必要回馈。


但无论我们面临的问题是容易还是困难,我坚信列治文山是一个适合工作和娱乐的好地方。以及为兑现承诺所付出的一切; 我想成为领导者。 10月24日,我希望继续做你们的市长。







请联系 [email protected] 并就您认为我们作为列治文山居民面临的最重要问题发表意见。我期待听到您的想法和想法!如需了解更多信息请到我的网页:votedavidwest.ca.

The municipal election is in full swing.  In Richmond Hill, with a rapidly growing Chinese community, Mayor David West, is garnering tremendous support from the Chinese community.  Mayor West met with Chinese media and Chinese community leaders to share his vision and plans for Richmond Hill.   If re-elected, he will lead the Richmond Hill City Council with positive changes for all communities.

David said that, like many Chinese friends, Richmond Hill is where he chooses to live, work and build a family. Whether as a city councilman for the past eight years or now seeking re-election as mayor of Richmond Hill, he has always wanted the best for the city.

Community leader Dr. Wu Jianzhong said that he had known David for many years.  David is friendly, willing to listen and works co-operatively with everyone.  He is pleased to support David’s re-election.

Community leader attorney Andy Chan said he’s a long-time Richmond Hill resident who’s concerned about the quality of life.  At the same time, he knows many local businesses and understands the need for the government and private sector to work side by side.

Also in attendance were Richmond Hill District Councillor candidate Chen Zhihui, Joe Dipaola, and Markham City Council candidate Chen Guozhi. Chen Zhihui is a city councillor who is very familiar with the Chinese community. A supporter of Mayor West, he hopes to use the experience of the past 16 years to build a bridge between the Chinese community and the city government. Former Ontario Minister Michael Chan said happily that Markham City and Richmond Hill City are closely adjacent, and there will be many opportunities for cooperation at the York District level. Mayor West’s friendliness and sincerity will definitely help future generations. Cooperation has a positive impact.

Local Artiest Mr. Zuo Jin presented one of his paintings to Mayor West and wish him all the best at the election and looking forward to working with him. At the luncheon, everyone also learned that Mayor West is a professional photographer!  He has also promoted the Monarch butterfly event in Richmond Hill for many years, and actively speaking for environmental protection.

David and his wife Michelle are long-time residents of Richmond Hill, have raised their family here and are well known for building a successful small business. 

Over 18 years ago, David joined his first community committee as a volunteer, and has been actively engaged in initiatives and groups that work to make Richmond Hill a vibrant community.

In 2013, David was appointed Ward 4 Councillor and was re-elected in 2014 and again in 2018. In January 2022, he ran in a by-election when former mayor Dave Barrow retired, defeating a slate of eight other candidates – three of them serving councillors

David has a solid reputation for working collaboratively across diverse groups and interests, bringing a balanced and practical perspective to every role he takes on. He has consistently emphasized the importance of community input and provided timely updates on the progress of initiatives, committees, and planning applications. David is a dedicated supporter of the arts and is well known for his advocacy on environmental sustainability. His annual Maple Syrup Festival and Eco Fest events are calendar highlights for families in the community.

As a ward councillor and now mayor, David likes to refer to himself as a ‘servant leader’. His monthly ward and mayor’s newsletters have always been a must read –keeping his constituents up to date on important matters before council, community events, as well as meetings and consultations. 

As mayor of Richmond Hill and previously, as Ward 4 Councillor, David has always wanted the best for this city.  It’s because Richmond Hill is where he’s chosen to live, raise a family, and build a business. Richmond Hill has given much to him and he feel the need to give back.

As the city has grown and prospered, it has not been without its challenges. Some of the challenges have been tough, but manageable.  Others have not been so easy to tackle.

But no matter the ease or difficulty of the issues we face, David firmly believes that Richmond Hill is a great place to live work and play.  And whatever it takes to deliver on the promise it holds; He want to be the one to lead.  In short, on October 24, I want to continue to be your mayor.

To earn your vote, He wants to share his vision for the city.  It’s a vision that he believes is both reasonable and achievable.  To realize his vision, He has developed a platform with seven key elements

He makes the following commitments.

I will continue to be open to the ideas of the residents we’ve been elected to serve.

I will continue to work collaboratively with council, staff, community groups, residents and the business community to ensure all ideas and opinions are welcome and respected.

I will ensure that city facilities promote a welcoming environment for all residents.

I will provide regular and comprehensive updates to residents on matters that affect them.

Please reach out at [email protected] and have your say on what you believe are the most important issues facing us as residents of Richmond Hill.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas! For more information please visit: votedavidwest.ca.